Bleaching Cost Calculation in Textile

Bleaching Process in Textile:

Cost calculation for bleached fabric involves several steps, considering various factors like raw material costs, process expenses, and overheads. Bleaching is an essential pre-process in the fabric dyeing activity. Bleaching process is a critical step in textile wet processing aimed at improving the whiteness and brightness of fabrics by removing natural or synthetic impurities, such as oils, waxes, and color pigments.Cost calculation for bleached fabric

The main aim of the bleaching is to remove the coloring matters present in the fabric after the scouring process. In this process, the fabric is passed through the bleaching agent, either oxidative or reductive type of bleaching agents and washed subsequently to obtain the colorless fabric. In this process also, several chemicals are used along with the bleaching agent to achieve higher whiteness index value. This whiteness will improve the dyeing ability of the fabric in the subsequent process. By bleaching process increasing high and uniform absorptivity of fabric for water, dyestuffs and finishing agent, achieved by the removal of hydrophobic impurities from the natural fibre.

The process sequence of the bleaching process is provided below.

Fabric feed from singeing process

Chemical feeding system

Desaizing unit for desizing process

Squeezing mangle

Batching or storing unit

Fabric plaiting unit

Factors Influencing in Cost Calculation for Bleached Fabric:

In bleaching process, bleaching chemical is used as the main agent to remove the color along with other auxiliary chemicals to improve performance. In this process, the following are the parameters influence the cost calculation for bleached fabric.

  1. Machine production speed
  2. Chemical cost
  3. Labor cost
  4. Steam cost (used in squeezing mangle and drying cylinders)
  5. Factory efficiency
  6. Electricity cost
  7. Water cost
  8. Other overhead expenses

Example: 1
A processing mill received an order from the garment manufacturer to bleach a knitted fabric of 2,800 kg. In this process, the processing industry must desize, scour and bleach the fabric. For this process, the average daily production of the continuous bleaching range machine is 160 kg/day. The company works with 4 such machines for this order. The material and the prices used in the process are listed below in Table 1. To complete the order, the factory works with 6 machine operators, and 5 helpers with a wage of Tk.780/shift and Tk.620/shift respectively. Calculate the bleaching cost per kg with 10 % profit, if the company works two shifts per day. The overhead expenses are estimated as follows. Factory rent – Tk.45,000/month, effluent treatment expenses Tk.55,000/month, other staff salary – Tk.18,000/month, steam expenses – Tk.35,000/month and other overheads like maintenance, etc. – Tk.50,000/month of 30 days.

Table 1: Raw materials used and their prices

S.NoChemicals usedCost in Tk./kgTotal quantity in kg
For desizing
1Desizing agent95110
2Wetting agent5040
For scouring
4Concentrated alkali7095
5Wetting agent5040
6Neutralising agent7575
For bleaching
7Bleaching agent16088
9Dispersion agent50125
10Stabilising agent10020


Step 1: Number of shifts required

The total production needs to be done = 2800 kg

Daily production of the company = 160 kg/day/machine

Total production capacity = 160 × 4 = 640 kg/day

…………………………………………………Order quantity
Hence, the total shifts required = ——————————-
……………………………………………….Daily production

= ————-

= 4.375 days

Company works 2 shifts per day. Total shifts = 8.75 shifts.

Step 2: Labor cost

To complete the order, the factory works with 6 machine operators, and 5 helpers with a wage of Tk.780 and Tk.620 respectively.

Hence, the total labor cost is
= (Number of labors × Total working shifts × Wages per shift)
= (6 × 8.75 × 780) + (5 × 8.75 × 620)
= Tk.40,950 + Tk.27,125
= Tk. 68,075

Total Labor cost = Tk. 68,075

Step 3: Calculation of raw material cost

Table: 2 Raw material cost calculation

S.NoChemicals usedCost in Tk./kgTotal quantity in kgTotal cost in Tk.
For desizing
1Desizing agent9511010,450
2Wetting agent50402,000
For scouring
4Concentrated alkali70956,650
5Wetting agent50402,000
6Neutralising agent75755,625
For bleaching
7Bleaching agent1608814,080
9Dispersion agent501256,250
10Stabilising agent100202000
Total raw material cost56855

Step 4: Overhead cost

Factory rent – Tk.45,000/month,

Effluent treatment expenses Tk.55,000/month,

Other staff salary – Tk.18,000/month,

Steam expenses – Tk.35,000/month

Maintenance of machine – Tk.50,000/month

Total overhead expense Tk.2,03,000

Company works for this order only 4.375 days.

Overhead/day = ——————

= Tk. 6,766.67

Therefore, 6,766.67 × 4.375 = Tk. 29,604.18

Step 5: Total cost of the dyeing

Total cost = Labor cost + Material cost + Overheads
= Tk. 68,075+ Tk. 56,855+ Tk. 29,604.18
= Tk. 1,54,534.18

Total dyeing cost / Kg = ——————-

= Tk. 55.19

Profit 10% = Tk. 55.19 + {Tk. 55.19 × 0.10} = Tk. 60.71

Example: 2
A processing unit received an order of 6,200 kg of knitted fabric to singe and bleach subsequently. In this process, the factory runs a singeing machine with a production capacity of 820 kg per shift. The machine is operated by 2 operators with a wage of Tk.720/shift. The gas expense for the process is noted as Tk. 2,000/shift. Similarly, the factory runs two desizing machine with a production capacity of 280 kg/shift per machine. The machine is operated by 5 operators and 3 helpers with a wage of Tk.800 and Tk. 610 per shift. The chemicals used in the process and its prices are listed below in Table 3.

Calculate the bleaching cost per kg with 20 % profit, if the company works two shifts per day. The overhead expenses are estimated as follows. Power –Tk.80,000, firewood – Tk.8,000/shift of fabric processed, effluent treatment expenses Tk.50,000/month, factory manager salary – Tk.42,000/month and other overheads like maintenance, etc. – Tk.30,000/month of 30 days.

Table 3: Raw materials prices

S.No.Chemicals usedCost in Tk./kgActual consumption
For desizing
1Desizing agent12085
2Wetting agent8560
For scouring
4Concentrated alkali100120
5Wetting agent8590
6Neutralizing agent6580
For bleaching
7Bleaching agent140180
9Dispersion agent6585
10Stabilizing agent10040


Singeing cost calculation

Step 1: Number of shifts required

The total production needs to be done = 6,200 kg

Daily production of the company = 820 kg/shift/machine

………………………………………………..Order quantity
Hence, the total shifts required = ——————————
……………………………………………….Daily production

= ———-

= 7.56 shifts

Step 2: Labor cost

To complete the order, the factory works with 2 machine operators with a wage of Tk.720 / shift.

Hence, the total labor cost is = (Number of labors × Total working shifts × Wages per shift)
= (2 × 7.56 × 720)
= Tk. 10,886.4

Total Labor cost = Tk. 10886.4

Step 3: Overhead cost

Gas expenses for singeing process

= Tk. 2,000/ shift processed
= 7.56 shifts × 2,000 Tk./shift

Total overhead expense = Tk.15120

Step 4: Total cost

Total cost = Labor cost + Overheads
= Tk. 10,886.40 + Tk.15,120
= Tk. 26,006.4

Total singeing cost / Kg  = ——————

= Tk. 4.19

Desizing and bleaching cost calculations

Step 1: Number of shifts required

The total production needs to be done = 6,200 kg

Daily production of the company = 280 kg/shift/machine

Total production capacity = 280 × 2 =560 kg/Shift

………………………………………………..Order quantity
Hence, the total shifts required = ——————————–
……………………………………………….Daily production

= ————-

= 11.07 shifts

Company works two shifts per day. Hence, total days = 3.69 days

Step 2: Labor cost

To complete the order, the machine operated by 5 operators and 3 helpers with a wage of Tk.800 and Tk.610 per shift.

Hence, the total labor cost is
= (Number of labors × Total working shifts × Wages per shift)
= (5 × 11.07 × 800) + (3 × 11.07 × 610)
= Tk.44,280 + Tk.20,258.10
= Tk. 64,538.10

Total Labor cost = Tk. 64,538.10

Step 3: Calculation of raw material cost

Table 4: Raw materials expense details

S.No.Chemicals usedCost in Tk./kgActual consumptionTotal cost in Tk.
For desizing
1Desizing agent1208510,200
2Wetting agent85605,100
For scouring
4Concentrated alkali10012012,000
5Wetting agent85907,650
6Neutralizing agent65805,200
For bleaching
7Bleaching agent14018025,200
9Dispersion agent65855,525
10Stabilizing agent100404,000
Total raw material cost83,275

Step 4: Overhead cost

  • Power – Tk.80,000
  • Effluent treatment expenses Tk.50,000/month,
  • Factory manager salary – Tk.42,000/month
  • Other overheads like maintenance and etc – Tk.30,000/month
  • Firewood – Tk.8,000/shift of fabric processed = 8,000 × 11.07 = Tk. 88,560

Total overhead cost = Tk. 2,02,000 (Except Firewood cost)

Company works for this order only 5.54 days.

Overhead/day = ———————-

= Tk. 6,733.33

Therefore, Tk.6,733.33 × 11.07
= Tk. 37,302.67

Total Overhead expense = Tk. 37,302.67 + Tk. 88,560 (Along with firewood cost)
= Tk. 1,25,862.67

Step 5: Total cost of the Bleaching

Total cost = Labor cost + Material cost + Overheads
= Tk. 64,538.10 + Tk.83,275+ Tk. 1,25,862.67
= Tk. 2,73,675.77

Total bleaching cost / Kg = ———————–

= Tk. 44.14

Hence the total fabric cost = Singeing cost/kg + Bleaching cost/kg
= Tk.4.17 + Tk. 44.14
= Tk. 48.31 Profit 20%
= Tk. 48.31 + {Tk. 48.31 × 0.20}
= Tk. 57.972

Cost calculation for bleached fabric production involves assessing raw material costs, process expenses, overheads, and additional factors like packaging and transportation. Accurate costing is crucial for setting competitive prices and maintaining profitability while ensuring quality. Optimizing raw material usage, enhancing production efficiency, reducing energy consumption, and managing waste effectively are key strategies to minimize costs. By continuously refining these processes, manufacturers can improve operational efficiency, meet market demands, and sustain a competitive edge.


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